When I let my dogs out this morning (I have 3 dogs. Tequila, Bacardi & Martini) I noticed that they just kept barking at something around the back of the house. At first I just thought they had treed a squirrel or something, but finally I walked around the house to see what they were barking at. This is what it was...

I guess all the clawing at my door did some damage back. I have to admit I got some satisfaction out of seeing that arm. Don't get me wrong it grossed me out too, but I can't lie and say there wasn't a part of me that was glad. You know? I mean zombies have totally changed my life... changed all of our lives. They have become the bane of my existence and I'm just glad to know that their existence is not totally bane free.
And you know something else? The fact that they remembered that there was a weak spot in my house and they came back to it the next night just goes to show you that zombies do indeed have some sort of short term memory. I think that puts a huge hole into the theory that zombies are "nothing but reanimated corpses". I'm no scientist but obviously their brains can function to some extent. That's a scary thought. That's why I think that the government really tries to promote the whole "they are just mindless beings" theory. The fact that these things have some degree of rational thought is terrifying to me.
Well anyway... There is one less zombie arm to reach out to grab you when your not looking and that is good news to me. :)
May your creative juices keep flowing and your brain remain uneaten.
Karrisa xxX
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