Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Introducing my new blog!


I am happy to announce that I have decided to start a blog about my struggles with the Walking Undead.  No matter what you call them; Flesh Eaters, Brain Chompers, Voodoo Shufflers, Romero's Kids, The Living Dead: it all amounts to the same thing.  ZOMBIES.

I know several of you feel the same way as I do, and face challenges similar to mine every day. Hopefully you will take comfort in this blog knowing that you are not alone!  Us Zombiephiles need to stick together so I hope that you will contribute to this blog and share your stories and personal accounts as I share mine.

May your creative juices keep flowing and your brain remain uneaten.


Karrisa xxX

1 comment:

  1. I love me some zombies....Also I think the background looks great like this, I don't think you should change it :0
