Friday, November 6, 2009

thoughts of zombies...

I have been suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. In fact I imagine just about everyone one is these days. It's kind of hard having to shoot your Aunt Mildred or neighbors kid in the head after they have just tried to bite you and not develop it to some degree. I'm feeling better now, about the near break-in I had last month, but I just had to take a little break from this blog and sort some things out in my head. It's hard talking public about this sort of stuff when it's really affecting you.
However, I'm back and I have a new perspective about the Zombie crisis we now find ourselves in and I would like to share some of it with you.

First and foremost we all have to accept that the zombies are not going to go away, at least not in the foreseeable future. Sure, we can help control their numbers some what, especially with Dr. Caligari's new stake-in-the-head embalming technique, and the never-rise steel coffins now affordable to main stream America, but there will always be homeless people kicking the bucket in the street, and elderly people quietly going unexpectedly in their sleep with no one around to perform a stake-in-the-head procedure. And these people are getting up, after taking their last breaths and joining the roaming zombie hoards that are plaguing not only America, but planet earth. There is no helping it. Unless we find the cause for all the unrest, and put a stop to it. And if the 'Hell is full, and the dead roam the earth' theories are correct, it is out of our control. We simple have to stop denying reality (those of us who have struggled with Zombie acceptance that is) and figure out a way to deal with it. Which brings me to my next point...

Separating the myths and facts about the walking undead. (hmmmmm... That sounds like the title of a book.) Now this is WAY harder than it seems. There is SO much assumption and hearsay about Zombie out there right now, it is virtually impossible to tell the difference. Even the Zombie experts seem to have it wrong... I mean what about Romano's shuffle theory? We all know that for the most part Zombies are shufflers, but occasionally you'll come across one that is fast. I mean some of those newly dead suckers can haul ass, and if you take Romero's theory as a solid truth you'll get your brains ate for sure. So what can we do? Well, I suggest we stick with a few basic Zombie rules. For example, the most basic Zombie rule there is - Shoot for the head. Fail safe. Destroy the brain, destroy the Zombie. Also keep yourself armed, and stay alert at all times. You never know when you'll come across a Zombie, for example when I was attacked at the doctors office.... I never saw it coming. Probably the hardest Zombie truth to accept is that all of us becomes a Zombie when we die, unfortunately that goes for loved ones. I know it's hard, but you CANNOT hesitate to shoot someone in the head who has just died. It may seem brutal, but honestly it's for their own good (and yours too!) And lastly, don't get discouraged. After all you're still walking around with your heart beating. You just can't ask for more than that nowadays.

As always...
Shoot the head until they're dead.

Karrisa xxx

Saturday, August 1, 2009


The zombies have attacked again.

I no longer feel safe in my own home. I have lived here for more years than I can count but it no longer feels like the safe haven it use to.

Ever since the zombies found a weakness in my back door and almost got in they have been attacking my house every night. And every night there seems to be more and more of them. Two nights ago they were piled up so thick against the front of the house that the front bay window cracked and they got in. It was horrible. No one was hurt, thank god! but the damage has been done. Years ago we enforced the master bedroom to serve as our zombie safe zone. There are no windows in the bedroom and the only door leading in and out of the room we replaced with one of those metal zombie secure doors so we were able to survive the attack but it was awful hearing the zombies finally break into the house and listening to them shuffle around just outside the bedroom door destroying the house we have worked so hard to make a home.

Finally about 9 am most of them had gave up and left, but when when we finally came out of the bedroom there were 3 zombies still there. We shot them and dragged them out to the curb & called the zombie pickup squad. As for our house? It was totally trashed. We have managed to cleaned up the bulk of the mess and our insurance will cover most of the damage because we have full zombie coverage, but that's not going to fix my unease.

I had gotten so used to the zombies wondering around in the night that I barely noticed it. We would hear them around the house from time to time, but we would just turn up the t.v. or music and ignore it. Last night I just couldn't ignore it anymore. I feel so anxious. I find myself wandering around from room to room, checking the doors and windows. I'm driving myself crazy. I feel helpless. I can't control the zombies and for the first time that is really starting to bother me. I'm considering moving from here, but I don't know if that will help things. Would my life be any better or safer somewhere else? I've always loved my home, but I just don't know if I can stay here after all this.

I need some time to think...

May we all rest in peace!!

Karrisa xxX

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The zombie is not armed... not anymore

I'm very glad to say that my new reinforced back door did a wonderful job keeping out the zombies last night so I was able to get some well deserved rest. Of course that didn't keep them from trying, and this time they left something behind besides claw marks.

When I let my dogs out this morning (I have 3 dogs. Tequila, Bacardi & Martini) I noticed that they just kept barking at something around the back of the house. At first I just thought they had treed a squirrel or something, but finally I walked around the house to see what they were barking at. This is what it was...

I guess all the clawing at my door did some damage back. I have to admit I got some satisfaction out of seeing that arm. Don't get me wrong it grossed me out too, but I can't lie and say there wasn't a part of me that was glad. You know? I mean zombies have totally changed my life... changed all of our lives. They have become the bane of my existence and I'm just glad to know that their existence is not totally bane free.

And you know something else? The fact that they remembered that there was a weak spot in my house and they came back to it the next night just goes to show you that zombies do indeed have some sort of short term memory. I think that puts a huge hole into the theory that zombies are "nothing but reanimated corpses". I'm no scientist but obviously their brains can function to some extent. That's a scary thought. That's why I think that the government really tries to promote the whole "they are just mindless beings" theory. The fact that these things have some degree of rational thought is terrifying to me.

Well anyway... There is one less zombie arm to reach out to grab you when your not looking and that is good news to me. :)

May your creative juices keep flowing and your brain remain uneaten.

Karrisa xxX

Monday, July 27, 2009

No sleep for the living

I have been awake for 36 hrs straight. Zombies were able to infiltrate my home last night. I had to fight them off until 10 am this morning when they finally shuffled off to where ever it is they go when it gets too hot for them. Thank god it's summer! If this had happened in winter they may have never abandoned their mission to gain entrance to my abode. I had to spend all the daylight hours today fixing the back door that they had attacked, when all I wanted to do was sleep. There was barely anything left of that door. They clawed it to pieces. Literally. I know they will be back tonight but I feel I secured it well enough that they will give it up and move on, after a couple of hours at least. In fact I can already see them gathering outside now. They are earlier than usual, which is weird. Today was a very hot day.

Seems to me that Zombies are getting worse lately. Does anyone else feel that way? I can remember a time when I thought Zombies were just something to go as for Halloween when you didn't have anything else to wear. How fast things can change. All I can say is that I totally support Obama's new health care plan. Anything that will help extend people's life is a good thing. We will all be Zombies soon enough.

May your creative juices keep flowing & your brain remain uneaten.

Karrisa xxX.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Draining my blood

A zombie almost got me today. 

As you know, zombies are almost always lethargic and slow so for the most part it is difficult to be taken by surprise by them.  Today was an exception.  

I had my yearly check-up by my doctor this afternoon.  I knew she would want to do a round of blood tests, so I fasted all morning.  I even some how managed to slug through the first hours of the day without my usual iced coffee!  So coffee deprived and hungry I managed to get through the appointment and then find my way to the nurses station so they could (as the nurse put it) "drain my blood".  

Nurses, and anyone else trying to take my blood for that matter, always have trouble finding a vein that will "produce".  Apparently I have every difficulty that one can posses to make it hard to give blood.  My veins are deep in my arm;  they roll away from needles; they have a tendency to close up once the blood flow starts; etc, etc.  I am what the medical field refers to as a "hard prick".  Seriously.  It says that on my medical chart.  (When do nurses find the time to make up this secret language anyway?)  So after the nurse sees that, she is already nervous about taking my blood before she even tries.  "Don't worry, I'm used to it.  Just do your best."  I say and turn my head away from her so I at least don't have to watch.  So with a shaking hand she proceeds to stab me several times, cuss under her breath, and stab me a few more times for good measure.  Just as I was about to tell her to give it up, she yells in triumph and my blood starts to flow.  She grabs about a hundred little vials she wants to fill and starts changing them out.

Several minutes and what feels like 10 quarts of blood later the nurse suddenly lets out another scream.  At first I think she has dropped a vial of my blood or something so I kept my head turned away from her.  With my head woozy and my stomach empty the last thing I need to see is my blood spilled all over the floor.  But after a moment I heard a wet chewing sound and whipped my head around (to fast!) to see a fresh zombie with his mouth pressed firmly against the nurses throat.  Apparently another patient had died and once he had re-awoken had been drawn to the sent of (MY) fresh blood!  I jumped up from my chair (way to fast) and looked around for a weapon.  I realized that the needle was still dangling out of my arm so I plucked it out and plunged it into the zombie's eye.  He started to let out a scream, and his hands pawed at my arm but I shoved it even deeper into his eye socket until it lodged itself into his brain.  Of course at that point he re-died, but the damage had been done.  I looked down at the nurse.  Her neck was broken, there was a gaping bite wound on her throat, and her cute Winnie the Pooh & Eeyore scrubs were soaked in blood.  

It was a shame.  She had been a nice lady, and despite her inadequate blood drawing skills, she had been a pretty good nurse AND she had been fond of Winnie the Pooh.  As she sprang to life, I picked up my chair and smashed her head in.  I was ready for this one.  

I'll have to find a new doctor now.  They should have had that other patient on death watch long before he had died.  I just won't be able to trust that doctor anymore and that sucks!  Trying to find a good doctor is almost impossible, yet it is so important in today's society.  After all everyone wants to put off becoming a zombie as long as possible.

Well until next time:

May your creative juices keep flowing and your brain remain uneaten.

Karrisa  xxX

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Introducing my new blog!


I am happy to announce that I have decided to start a blog about my struggles with the Walking Undead.  No matter what you call them; Flesh Eaters, Brain Chompers, Voodoo Shufflers, Romero's Kids, The Living Dead: it all amounts to the same thing.  ZOMBIES.

I know several of you feel the same way as I do, and face challenges similar to mine every day. Hopefully you will take comfort in this blog knowing that you are not alone!  Us Zombiephiles need to stick together so I hope that you will contribute to this blog and share your stories and personal accounts as I share mine.

May your creative juices keep flowing and your brain remain uneaten.


Karrisa xxX