Friday, November 6, 2009

thoughts of zombies...

I have been suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. In fact I imagine just about everyone one is these days. It's kind of hard having to shoot your Aunt Mildred or neighbors kid in the head after they have just tried to bite you and not develop it to some degree. I'm feeling better now, about the near break-in I had last month, but I just had to take a little break from this blog and sort some things out in my head. It's hard talking public about this sort of stuff when it's really affecting you.
However, I'm back and I have a new perspective about the Zombie crisis we now find ourselves in and I would like to share some of it with you.

First and foremost we all have to accept that the zombies are not going to go away, at least not in the foreseeable future. Sure, we can help control their numbers some what, especially with Dr. Caligari's new stake-in-the-head embalming technique, and the never-rise steel coffins now affordable to main stream America, but there will always be homeless people kicking the bucket in the street, and elderly people quietly going unexpectedly in their sleep with no one around to perform a stake-in-the-head procedure. And these people are getting up, after taking their last breaths and joining the roaming zombie hoards that are plaguing not only America, but planet earth. There is no helping it. Unless we find the cause for all the unrest, and put a stop to it. And if the 'Hell is full, and the dead roam the earth' theories are correct, it is out of our control. We simple have to stop denying reality (those of us who have struggled with Zombie acceptance that is) and figure out a way to deal with it. Which brings me to my next point...

Separating the myths and facts about the walking undead. (hmmmmm... That sounds like the title of a book.) Now this is WAY harder than it seems. There is SO much assumption and hearsay about Zombie out there right now, it is virtually impossible to tell the difference. Even the Zombie experts seem to have it wrong... I mean what about Romano's shuffle theory? We all know that for the most part Zombies are shufflers, but occasionally you'll come across one that is fast. I mean some of those newly dead suckers can haul ass, and if you take Romero's theory as a solid truth you'll get your brains ate for sure. So what can we do? Well, I suggest we stick with a few basic Zombie rules. For example, the most basic Zombie rule there is - Shoot for the head. Fail safe. Destroy the brain, destroy the Zombie. Also keep yourself armed, and stay alert at all times. You never know when you'll come across a Zombie, for example when I was attacked at the doctors office.... I never saw it coming. Probably the hardest Zombie truth to accept is that all of us becomes a Zombie when we die, unfortunately that goes for loved ones. I know it's hard, but you CANNOT hesitate to shoot someone in the head who has just died. It may seem brutal, but honestly it's for their own good (and yours too!) And lastly, don't get discouraged. After all you're still walking around with your heart beating. You just can't ask for more than that nowadays.

As always...
Shoot the head until they're dead.

Karrisa xxx

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