Saturday, August 1, 2009


The zombies have attacked again.

I no longer feel safe in my own home. I have lived here for more years than I can count but it no longer feels like the safe haven it use to.

Ever since the zombies found a weakness in my back door and almost got in they have been attacking my house every night. And every night there seems to be more and more of them. Two nights ago they were piled up so thick against the front of the house that the front bay window cracked and they got in. It was horrible. No one was hurt, thank god! but the damage has been done. Years ago we enforced the master bedroom to serve as our zombie safe zone. There are no windows in the bedroom and the only door leading in and out of the room we replaced with one of those metal zombie secure doors so we were able to survive the attack but it was awful hearing the zombies finally break into the house and listening to them shuffle around just outside the bedroom door destroying the house we have worked so hard to make a home.

Finally about 9 am most of them had gave up and left, but when when we finally came out of the bedroom there were 3 zombies still there. We shot them and dragged them out to the curb & called the zombie pickup squad. As for our house? It was totally trashed. We have managed to cleaned up the bulk of the mess and our insurance will cover most of the damage because we have full zombie coverage, but that's not going to fix my unease.

I had gotten so used to the zombies wondering around in the night that I barely noticed it. We would hear them around the house from time to time, but we would just turn up the t.v. or music and ignore it. Last night I just couldn't ignore it anymore. I feel so anxious. I find myself wandering around from room to room, checking the doors and windows. I'm driving myself crazy. I feel helpless. I can't control the zombies and for the first time that is really starting to bother me. I'm considering moving from here, but I don't know if that will help things. Would my life be any better or safer somewhere else? I've always loved my home, but I just don't know if I can stay here after all this.

I need some time to think...

May we all rest in peace!!

Karrisa xxX

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